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Reconciling Duplicates

Navigation: Records > Duplicates

  1. From the bottom navigation bar, click Records
  2. Click Duplicates. The Duplicates page will display a list of possible duplicate records.
  3. Click the name of the duplicate record that you want to reconcile

  4. Review the field values in both records to determine if the records are duplicates

    Tip: To open a record in a new tab, right-click on the record name and click Open Link in a New Tab

    Tip: If any of the field values are identical, you’ll see MATCH displayed in the possible match record field.

    1. If you determine that the record is not a duplicate, click Make Active. The record status will update from Suspended to Active.
    2. If you determine that the record is a duplicate, you can either:
      • Click Merge. The Active and Suspended Records will be combined.
      • Click Delete. The Suspended record will be removed.

        Tip: Make sure you add any data to the correct record prior to deleting. All historical data for that record will be lost once it is removed.

  5. Use the  navigation arrows to move to the next possible duplicate