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Email FAQs

Why am I unable to send or schedule my email?


Why is the total number of recipients different from the total number of delivered emails? 

Below are the most common reasons:

The recipient’s opt-in status is unsubscribe

  • If an email recipient clicks the unsubscribe link, their opt-in status will automatically be updated to Unsubscribed and they will no longer receive marketing emails. However, the recipient will continue to receive non-marketing and direct emails.

The recipient’s Ok to contact field is set to no

  • If an email recipient’s OK to Contact field is set to No, the recipient will not receive any emails.  

The recipient’s email address soft bounced

  • If a recipient’s email address has been identified as a soft bounce, Fireworks will continue to send emails to the recipient in the future. 

    Tip: A soft bounce is caused by something temporary, such as a full inbox or excessive message size. 

The recipient’s email address hard bounced

  • If a recipient’s email address has been identified as a hard bounce, Fireworks will update the record’s email status to “hard bounce” and suppress the address from future sends.

    Tip: A hard bounce is caused by something permanent, such as an invalid address, invalid domain, or the server refusing to accept messages.

The recipient previously flagged your email as SPAM

  • If an email recipient previously flagged one of your emails as SPAM, the recipient’s address will be suppressed from future sends.

    Tip: If you want to more closely align the total number of email recipients with the total number of delivered emails, we recommend that you adjust your Smart Search and remove any records where:
    • An opt-in status is unsubscribe 
    • OK to Contact is No 
    • An email address is flagged as hard bounce 
    • A person or organization has flagged your email as SPAM