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Running an Import Package

Navigation: Tools > Imports > Run

  1. From the bottom navigation bar, click Tools
  2. Click Imports. The Import Manager will display.
  3. Click Run. The Run Import page will display.

  4. Click Choose File and select the CSV or ZIP file you want to import

    Tip: If you select a file, it will override your original import package file and SFTP settings.

  5. Click Open

    Tip: You’ll see a progress bar while your source file is uploading. Once your source file has finished uploading the name of the file and file size will be displayed. 

  6. Click the Choose Package dropdown menu and select the name of the import package that you want to use
  7. Click the Action Category dropdown menu and select a category (e.g., Campus Event, Travel )
  8. Click the Action dropdown menu and select an action (e.g., High School Visit,  Inquiry Card, College Fair)
  9. Click the Staff dropdown menu and select the name of the staff member you want to assign the import to
  10. Select an Action Date and time by clicking 
  11. Enter additional Comments describing the action, if appropriate
  12. Click Review Import. The Run Import: Review page will display.

  13.  Click Run Import or Schedule Import

    Tip: Once you click Run Import, you’ll be returned to the Import Manager page and the status of your import package will display as In Progress.

  14. When the status of your import package updates to Completed, click on the name of the import package to view the results