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Person Record Tabs

All person records include the following tabs:

  • Summary: Enables a Fireworks user to display the information they view most frequently
  • Actions: Enables you to view a chronological list of all interactions (e.g., sent and received emails, inbound and outboard phone calls, site visits, recruitment fairs) with a person
  • Basic: Enables you to create, manage, and track demographic information (e.g., Birth Date, Citizenship, Social Security Number, Ethnicity, Race, Gender, Language) about a person. This tab also enables you to track and manage person and student record flags (e.g., Deceased, Veteran, First Generation, International Student, Legacy, State Resident)
  • Contact: Enables you to create, manage, and track the contact information (e.g., Name, Email Address, Phone Number, Physical Address) for the person
  • Custom Fields: Enables you to create, manage, and track your institution’s unique data (e.g., housing information, orientation, campus location, military status, VIP flags)
  • Employment: Enables you to create, manage, and track places of employment (e.g., internships, job placement, work-study, employers) for a person
  • ID Types: Enables you to create, manage, and track the unique IDs (e.g., Visa, institutional ID) for a person
  • Relationships: Enables you to create, manage, and track relationships between a person and other people and/or organizations.
  • Documents: Enables you to create, manage, and track documents (e.g., resume, transcript, essay, immunization record) for a person

All student records include the following tabs, in addition to the tabs listed above:

  • Applications: Enables you to create, manage, and track the details of a student’s application (e.g., entry term, major, degree type), the application components (e.g., essay, letters of recommendation, test scores), and application status. It also includes Application Review fields that track the name, rating, and comments of an application reviewer
  • Education: Enables you to create, manage, and track the high school(s) and college(s) the student attended as well as the student’s test score(s), and transcript(s)
  • Financial Aid: Enables you to create, manage, and track a student’s financial aid application and award information as well as their components (e.g., total aid, types of aid, need score) and payments
  • Interests & Activities: Enables you to create, manage, and track a student’s academic interests and activities (e.g., academic programs, clubs, employment, sports, volunteer work)
  • Interviews: Enables you to create, manage, and track details (e.g., interviewer, date, type, ratings, comments) about a student’s interview
  • Student Status: Enables you to create, manage, and track a student’s progress through the enrollment funnel. This tab will also track the counselor assignment for the student