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Accessing the Task Manager

Navigation: Tools > Tasks

  1. From the bottom navigation bar, click Tools
  2. Click Tasks. The Task Manager will display.


Task Manager Overview

1. Search TableEnables you to search the list of tasks
2. ColumnsEnables you to select which columns to display
3. +CreateEnables you to create a task
4. NameThe name of the task
5. StatusThe status (e.g., Completed, In Progress, Not Started) of the task
6. Assigned toThe name of the staff member assigned to the task
7. TypeThe type (e.g., Application, Call, Management) of task
8. Due DateThe date the task must be completed


Changing the Task Manager Column Headers

Adding Column Headers to the Email Manager page

  1. Click the Columns dropdown menu
  2. Select the field(s) you’d like to display on the Task Manager page 

Removing Column Headers from the Email Manager page

  1. Click the Columns dropdown menu
  2. Unselect the field(s) you want to remove from the Task Manager page.


Additional (non-default) Column Headers

1. ArchivedIndicates whether the task was archived after it was completed
2. CommentsThe additional information about the task, if appropriate
3. DescriptionThe description of the task

Tip: Although Description is not a required field, we recommend that you describe the task to help other staff members easily identify it.
4. PriorityThe priority (e.g., High, Medium, Low) given to the task
5. Smart SearchThe name of the Smart Search used to identify the records related to the task
6. TimeThe time the task must be completed