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Viewing a Completed Import Summary

Navigation: Tools > Imports

  1. From the bottom navigation bar, click Tools
  2. Click Imports. The Imports Manager will display.
  3. Click the name of the import package.

  4. The Completed Import Summary page will display with the following information:

    1. Source: The link to the import source file
    2. Package: The link to the import package
    3. Error Summary: The link to the Error File
    4. Created: The number of records that were created during import
    5. Created with Errors: The number of records that were created during the import and had errors
    6. Updated: The number of records that were updated during import 
    7. Updated with Errors: The number of records that were updated during import and had errors
    8. Suspended: The number of records that have been suspended
    9. Suspected with Errors: The number of records that have been suspended and had errors
    10. Not Created: The number of records that were not created during import
    11. Total Number of Records The total number of records imported
    12. Name: The name of records imported
    13. Status: The import status for each record
    14. Errors: The message identifying an import error (if applicable) for each record