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Uploading a Media File

Navigation: Communications > Media

Tip: Prior to uploading your files into the Media Library, we recommend that you resize your  files so that they are 600 pixels in width. There is no height requirement.

  1. From the  bottom navigation bar, click Communications
  2. Click Media. The Media Manager will display.
  3. Click +Create

  4. Media Name: Enter the name of your media file
  5. Description: Describe your media file so that other staff members can easily identify it 
  6. Upload your media file by either:

    1. Clicking Choose File and selecting the file from your computer
    2. Dragging the file to the Drag files here to upload area

      Tip: Accepted file formats: GIF, JPG, PNG, and PDF. 

      Tip: You’ll see a progress bar while your media file is uploading. Once your media file has been uploaded, the file name and file size will be displayed. 

  7. Click Save Changes