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Smart Search Terminology

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Query Group Types

  • Query Group: Enables you to use a combination of conditions to find a select group of records 

    Query Group is the most commonly used query.

    You can use a Query Group to find all accepted students for a specific entry term

  • Relationship Query Group: Enables you to search fields within records that have a relationship to the query group 

    Example: You can use a Relationship Query Group to find the mothers, fathers, and legal guardians of all accepted students for a specific entry term.

  • Linked Query Group: Enables you to search linked fields within a Record Field Group 

    Example: You can use a Linked Group to find all students who visited your campus during a specific time period

  • Nested Query Group: Enables you to create complex searches using both Match All and Match Any operators 

    Example: You can use a Nested Query Group to find all accepted students for a specific entry term with either an SAT score above 1300 or a GPA above 2.8.

  • Nested Linked Query Group: Enables you to create complex searches on linked fields within a Record Field Group using either Match All or Match Any operators 

    Example: You can use a Nested Linked Group to find all accepted students for a specific term who either attended a specific campus event or visited campus during a specific block of time.


Match Functions

Match functions are used to identify the relationship between groups. 

  • Match All: Returns only those records that match all query groups.

    Example: Students who are accepted AND have an intended major of Business AND students who have an SAT score greater than 1300

  • Match Any: Returns records that match any of the conditions listed in any of the query groups.

    Example: Students who are from New York OR Michigan OR Vermont OR are from Canada


Groups and Condition Fields

Every time you create a new Smart Search, a Query Group will automatically display. You can easily update or add a different Query Group Type by clicking .  See Creating a Smart Search Using Query Groups for instructions.



Operators define the conditions between a field and the field value.

General OperatorsDescription
EqualsFinds exact matches to the search string
Does not equalFinds everything except exact matches to the search string
Greater thanFinds everything greater than the entered condition value
Equal to or greater thanFinds exact matches to, and everything greater than, the entered condition value
Less thanFinds everything less than the entered condition value
Equal to or less thanFinds exact matches to, and everything less than, the entered condition value
ContainsFinds partial matches to the search string
Contains any ofFind any of the standard values you add to the condition
Does not containFinds everything except partial matches to the search string
Does not contain any of (any)Finds any one value on a record outside of the search string
Does not contain any of (all)Finds every value on a record other than the search string
Starts withFinds exact matches to the search string at the start of the field data
Does not start withFinds everything except exact matches to the search string at the start of the field data
Is emptyFinds empty fields
Is empty (all)Finds all instances of a field empty
Is empty (any)Finds any one instance of a field empty
Is not emptyFinds fields that are not empty
Date OperatorsDescription
Is on or beforeFinds dates that fall on or before the selected date
Is on or afterFinds dates that fall on or after the selected date
Is afterFinds dates that fall after the selected date
Is beforeFinds dates that fall before the selected date
Is in rangeFinds dates that fall within the selected date range
Is not in rangeFinds dates that fall outside the selected date range

Tip: When using dates in a query, you have two options:

  • Exact prompts you to use a specific date
  • Relative prompts you to use a range of dates (e.g., last two weeks)
Value OperatorsDescription
Is in a set of valuesFinds number values that are within a set of multiple values (separated by commas)
Is not in a set of valuesFinds number values that are not within a set of multiple values (separated by commas)